Legal Notices

Website manager and publisher

SARL LE MAJESTIC whose head office is at 12 boulevard Hippolyte Tixador – 66140 Canet-en-Roussillon
Phone : +33 (0)4 68 80 39 27 – Web :
SIRET : 313 448 003 00043

Design and development

Tout Feu Tout Flammes – Web Agency & SEO in Perpignan

Hosting provider

AMEN – 12 rond-point des Champs Élysées – 75008 Paris (France)
Phone : +33 (0)1 40 87 99 20 – Fax : +33 (0)1 40 87 76 89 – Web :

Respect of copyright

The texts and photographs of this site are the property of SARL LE MAJESTIC (except in this case, the owner will be mentioned). You can however download them for free for your private use, but mention the source of these images.

Respect of privacy

In order to better serve you, we keep your personal information in our database. Read the privacy policy

Technical information

The current site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the exception of cases of “force majeure”, computer problems, difficulties linked to structure of the communication networks or technical difficulties. The website may be shut down at any time for maintenance purposes.

Application of French Law

Failure to comply with these provisions could expose the offender to criminal prosecution and punishment. This document is governed and interpreted according to French law and is under the sole jurisdiction of the French Courts. If one of the provisions of this text is found to be null and void, invalid or without legal effect, all the other provisions will continue to apply.